Meet Marley: A CSR Wiz With a Passion for Pain au Chocolate

I approach any new job with the mentality of a British baker waiting to lift the gingham and see what challenge lies ahead in the technical bake. You rely on your knowledge, experience, instincts and reading comprehension skills. The rest is an opportunity for learning and growth. 

As Julia Child once said, “Well, all I know is this – nothing you ever learn is really wasted, and will sometime be used.” It should be obvious by now that there are two things I’m incredibly passionate about: learning and food. As a new Denverite, I’m constantly discovering more things about the city and it’s vibrant communities (and its food).

Marley is jazzed about her Julia Child cookbooks.

The corporate social responsibility focus of this team is an opportunity to share how organizations prioritize positively impacting their communities – something I value in my personal life as well as my professional life. I’ve been seeking and cultivating a community for myself as I push my own boundaries, from attending college in a state I had only visited once before, thousands of miles away from any family, to studying abroad in France without speaking any French and moving during a pandemic to Denver, a city where I had never visited before. 

Born and raised in Chicago, I moved to Southern California for college and remained in the sunshine for six years, relishing the fact that I didn’t have to deal with negative wind chills on an annual basis. During my undergraduate career, I was lucky to study abroad on two continents in Quito, Ecuador and Paris, France, which introduced me to new foods, languages and cultures. Moving 50 miles down the I-10 to Los Angeles after graduation to work in corporate communications and public affairs also introduced me to new skills, foods and cultures. 

Throughout all of these opportunities, I’ve relied on viewing life as a learning experience, helping me make sense of everything like the correct pronunciation of pain au chocolat and driving a U-Haul to Colorado in the middle of December, all while forging a community for myself along the way. 

Professionally, I channel this love of learning into telling stories about organizations  and discovering connections between your values and audience. Taking the time to understand a client’s journey is something I really love. Learning more about how companies get involved in their communities and seeing their role as more than just an employer is a privilege of joining the Barefoot PR team. The cherry on top is I have eight new judges for my own bake-offs, in addition to being thoughtful, insightful communicators. Maybe one day, I will be able to learn from and share your organization’s story. Let’s schedule a time to chat; I’ll bring the baked goods. 

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