I like to say that my childhood ended on a random Wednesday in the middle of a Mexican restaurant.

As I bit into a taco that I’d waited all day for, my phone rang. A cursory glance at the screen revealed that it was my boss at the time. I hastily swallowed my food and picked up the phone.
“Hello [redacted], what do you need?”
“Hi Vikki! Is this a good time to talk for a bit?”
It wasn’t. I responded, “Yeah, of course!”
“Well Vikki, we’ve been really happy with your performance as an intern this summer and we’d like to offer you a full time position as a Research Assistant.”
The bite of taco that I’d taken solidified into cement in the pit of my stomach. Without missing a beat, I said, “That sounds amazing! I would be honored to accept this position.”
And just like that, I became a tax-paying, full-time working, gainfully employed adult.
As the weeks and months dragged on, I became more and more disillusioned at my job. On paper, I was working a great job for a respected research company. But in reality, I was slowly losing my spark.
Finally, I had to take a deep look at what I truly wanted, and who I truly was.

As a child, I was a voracious reader. I would read everything from novels, to comic books, to random home improvement guides my parents had laying around and the ingredient labels on cleaning supplies under the bathroom sink. Stories and information filled my brain constantly and I was always on the hunt for more.
As I got older, this love of reading translated into a love of writing and public speaking. I poured my heart into poems, essays and speeches throughout high school, and eventually won a state title in speech and debate. Even today, I maintain a strong addiction to Wikipedia and Google, both of which I turn to when I need answers to the questions that bubble to the surface of my consciousness each day.
Outside of academics and work, I have always valued connection and community. Throughout my life, I have found that the most valuable lessons I learn come from navigating the nuances and complexities of deep relationships with friends and family. Experience teaches me to be a good listener, and bearing witness to others’ hardships pushes me to grow my capacity for empathy and compassion. The people in my life who support me and whom I support give me a reason to continuously better myself.
At Barefoot PR, I hope to use these core strengths to help our clients tell their stories and connect with their communities. Working with the Barefoot team means being welcomed in all your unique complexity; something I am incredibly grateful for and hope to pay forward in my work each day.
Written by Vikki Wong, PR Associate at Barefoot PR