Creating messaging to build clarity and engage new audiences


Athena Project is respected as an effective, equity-driven organization dedicated to empowering women, transgender and nonbinary individuals in the arts. Prior to engaging Barefoot PR, program participants and partner organizations could speak passionately about its impact. However, the organization identified an opportunity to develop messaging that would engage new audiences by more holistically and succinctly communicating the organization’s purpose and programming.


Barefoot PR began the messaging process with a period of listening and learning. We facilitated community conversations with artists, partners, board members and dramaturgs affiliated with Athena Project. These conversations built a foundation of understanding around the challenges and opportunities available in the organization’s messaging. 

Next, we delivered an audience-informed, research-based messaging platform that organized Athena Project’s programming into three key pillars: investing in artist development, amplifying artists’ work, and advancing equity in the arts. The platform also included overarching organizational messages designed to communicate Athena Project’s impact and value as an organization.

Finally, we trained Athena Project’s board and ambassadors to use the messaging platform to share their stories, showcase impact and connect new audiences to Athena’s mission. 

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