Launching the Nation’s Second Electrification Savings Calculator with Google and Rewiring America
When Rewiring America and Google partnered to create an algorithm that maximizes savings for homeowners to make more sustainable electrification updates for their home, they knew awareness would be key to a successful launch. While this initiative would launch in several states, each would need local PR support to ensure success. When Colorado was announced as the second state in the country to launch this initiative, Google reached out to Barefoot PR to coordinate the effort.
Barefoot PR was challenged to get reporters to cover the launch event that would be held at an industrial manufacturing facility east of downtown for business and nonprofit leaders, fellows who worked on the tool, and Governor Jared Polis.
Barefoot PR coordinated with teams from Google,, Rewiring America and the Governor’s office to ensure messaging for the launch and related press materials were aligned.
Barefoot PR drafted a press release and invited local reporters to attend the event. We also worked with Google to secure a local photographer to distribute photos to volunteers, media and Rewiring America. To create a visual moment, the Barefoot team set up a “demo location” with a step and repeat, computer and table for the Governor and Google volunteers to explore the tool together. Barefoot PR also coordinated the run of show for the press event which featured remarks from local homeowners, Governor Jared Polis, Google and Rewiring America.
Barefoot PR’s media relations efforts led to robust coverage of the Electrification Savings Calculator and the event in local outlets such as CBS Colorado, The Colorado Sun, Colorado Community Media and Colorado Public Radio.