Meet Our Girls Inc. Summer Intern, Kass!

The Barefoot PR team is excited to welcome our very first high school intern through the Girls Inc. Eureka! program, which builds girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on opportunities. 

Kass at Barefoot HQ.

Meet Kass, a rising junior at Arvada West High School. We asked Kass to answer a few questions to get to know them better. 

What inspired you to be interested in graphic design and art? 

Art has always been a huge part of my life. As a young girl I would sit in my eldest sister’s room and draw or color with her while she either worked or taught me new things. Eventually my little brother wanted me to teach him to draw. A few years later my dad bought and began running a hotel which exposed me to graphic and website design. He would ask me to help him with some social media posts and I provided my creative input on a new logo for the business as well.

What are you hoping to learn during your internship at Barefoot PR?

I am hoping to expand my knowledge and experience with graphic and web design as well as communications. I plan to take that knowledge and use it to help my dad with expanding his business’. I would also like to start a youth-led program through West Denver Trout Unlimited that would create opportunities for youth who are interested in fishing and the outdoors to expand their knowledge about fishing and join in conservation efforts of Colorado’s wildlife and water bodies. The skills I hope to learn from this internship will help me to launch and organize this project.

What are your goals for the future?

I hope to graduate high school and go on to become either an orthopedic surgeon or therapist working specifically with individuals who have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I want to study abroad and explore the world through my college years and eventually settle down and have a family.

What do you like about the Girls Inc. Eureka! program and why is it important to have an internship?

The Girls Inc. Eureka! internship program provides incredible opportunities to people of all backgrounds. The girls interning through this program obtain knowledge, experience, and essential skills often unavailable to high school students. This program gives girls a jumpstart in the work world and encourages them to follow their dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. No matter where you come from or how you grew up, Girls Inc. encourages you to do amazing things and take charge of your destiny. I believe it is very important to have an internship especially at a young age because it allows you to learn essential skills such as advocacy in the workplace, professional communication, and time management.

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