When Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) and Denver Housing Authority (DHA) purchased the former Johnson & Wales University Denver campus, it was renamed Mosaic Community Campus. The vision for the campus was to create a hub of community access that included education, economic development and affordable living opportunities for individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, races and ethnicities.
With a new name, the campus needed a new brand, signage and website. ULC and DHA challenged Barefoot PR to preserve the rich history and cultural significance of the campus while also bringing the new vision and name to life.
Barefoot PR’s first step was to conduct Listening & Learning sessions, where our designers engaged with stakeholders including nonprofits housed on the new campus. They also immersed themselves in the history of the campus by visiting the site and drawing inspiration from the captivating stained glass installations that adorned the buildings.
The new brand identity was carefully crafted to incorporate vibrant colors reminiscent of stained glass, representing diversity and inclusivity. The mosaic concept was integrated into the logo, and brand elements symbolizing unity and interconnectedness. Typography and visual elements were chosen to evoke a sense of both tradition and modernity, acknowledging the history of the campus while embracing its forward-looking vision.
Barefoot PR also incorporated signage to guide visitors seamlessly through the campus. Wayfinding signs were strategically placed, highlighting key areas and utilizing design elements inspired by the mosaic concept. The signage not only served a practical purpose but also contributed to the overall aesthetic, reinforcing the brand’s identity.
The successful collaboration between Urban Land Conservancy and Barefoot PR resulted in a lively rebranding of the Mosaic Community Campus. The new brand, signage, and website effectively captured the spirit of the campus’s history while propelling it into a future of community-driven accessibility, education, economic development, and affordable living.